CSI Consultants Inc.

The Internet Nonprofit Center

This site contains an encyclopedic reference center on all non-profit management issues, an organization locator, and a library.


Lawyers Alliance for New York

The primary source of free and low-cost corporate, tax and real estate legal services for non-profit and community development organizations in New York.


Community Resource Exchange

The nation's leading provider of technical assistance to small & mid-sized community-based organizations.  A treasure trove of practical help.  They can be reached at (212) 894-3394.


Non-Profit Coordinating Committee of New York

Offers an extensive range of useful, cost-saving services to over 800 member organizations.


Non-Profit Gateway

A huge network of links to Federal Government information and services.


City Limits Magazine

NY's premier urban affairs news magazine.  Learn what City Hall doesn't want to you know about NY's neighborhoods, and find out what New Yorkers are doing about it.  In print and on the web.

Phone: (845) 566-1267
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